Since we’ve started letting people in on our plans to move to Fort Collins, we’ve had a ton of questions. So I thought it would be nice to answer some of those questions all at once:
What’s a church plant?
To get a better understanding of the term "church plant", let's think in terms of harvesting a crop (something this suburban girl has never had experience with, but just follow me for a minute). A farmer will plan out when and where they'll plant their crop. The climate and location has to be just right. Then they must tend to it to help it grow. (Notice I didn't say to make it grow.)We've determined that the climate is right to "plant" a church in Fort Collins now with the goal of building a community of believers. As it grows, we'll be there to help cultivate it. It's up to God, though, to actually stimulate growth.
Fun analogy, huh? I can't take credit for it. I borrowed that one from Jesus.
Oh! So you’re going to build a church, right?
It depends on how you define "church". Our goal is not to go and merely build a building. In fact, it may be a long while, if at all, that we begin thinking of building a building. Actually, we're going to build a community of believers (the Church), meeting most likely at someone's home until the need arises to find a bigger location.
When are you leaving?
Neither of our families have firm dates when we’re leaving. Our goal is to be there before school starts next year, but we're flexible to whatever God may have in store for us - leaving either sooner or later.
Do you have jobs and homes already?
Not yet. We’re planning a trip the second week of March, largely focusing on the home and job hunt. A place to sleep and eat would be nice, right? So that’s big on our list to-do.
Are you guys going through an organization?
We will be considered church planters through the North American Mission Board.
What other questions do you have?
What other questions do you have?