Friday, June 4, 2010


I have been completely humbled and overwhelmed by the ways that God has been working to get us to Fort Collins. First, in March, He opened doors for David and I to rent a little house in the perfect neighborhood. Even though we didn't have jobs yet and couldn't prove that we would make our rent, the landlords decided we would be good for their house and took a chance by letting us rent from them!

Then, in May, I started getting my resume ready for job openings. I knew they would be posted soon and that most principals would want to hire before the end of school. So, I checked the website daily for specific positions that I could apply for. One Wednesday I checked and there was nothing. Then, all of a sudden, the next day there were 12 positions at 8 schools that I was qualified for! I was excited and worked late that night to prepare cover letters and my resume to send to those schools. I had my sights set on one position at Bennett Elementary, though, and emailed the principal at 8pm. At 8:23, he called me! He said he was only calling because I went to Texas Tech and he was FROM WEST TEXAS! I was amazed and was so thankful for that connection. I have also already taught at a school with their same, and very unique curriculum. Another connection!

The next week, on Friday, I interviewed for a Kindergarten job at Bennett over the phone and found out the following Monday that I did not get that. The principal said they were still interested in me and that the Kinder team was pushing for me for the 1st grade job, which was the one I really wanted in the first place. Well, long story, short- I did get to interview for it on Thursday and on Friday, I was offered the job!!!! I was (and still am) in complete shock! I mean, I hadn't even met them! For all they knew, I could have been a complete crazy person!!! :)

On Monday the 24th, the principal called and told me I needed to go to training June 3-4, so David and I packed a little and went to our new home! And, that's where we began to feel the full impact of how God provides! As if we weren't already in awe, God continues to show us that he has been preparing us for "such a time as this" for many years.

It's midnight and we are driving back to Tyler. I've written enough for now. It's all so amazing! I'll write more tomorrow about God's provision that I didn't even know was going on!

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